Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hi Grade 5s,

This is a reminder that the good copy of your autobiography is due on Monday, November 2nd. Remember that a completed autobiography will include:

  • rough copy
  • peer editing checklist from your partner (what they wrote to you)
  • completed Life Map
  • autobiography rubric
  • good copy of autobiography (of course!)
If you have typed your autobiography at home and can't print it, bring your memory stick to school, and I'll print it here for you.

Have a great weekend!  Remember to be SAFE if you are trick-or-treating on Saturday.  Don't eat any candy until an adult has looked through your loot.

-Ms. Lewis

P.S. I sure do like Smarties... ; )


  1. Haha hmgbmhj!! Thats FUNNY. =)
    Who Wrote That??
    - [[Zaiinab]]

  2. Ms.lewis the definition for shapes for homework 1.equalateral triangle=all sides are equal on triangle 2.isoscles triangle=two sides are equal on the triangle 3.scalene triangle=all sises n the triangle are not equal 4.pentagon=five sided shape 5.hexagon=six sided shape 6.octagon=eight sided shape 7.parallegram=a parallegram needs to have parale sides 8.trapazoid=a trapazoid needs the opisite sides the same as each other tommy

  3. Great job, Tommy! How did you come up with your definitions?

    -Ms. Lewis.

  4. i remebered from school

  5. ms lewis i for got my username for the eplas it

    it is aloamor

  6. could u give it to me at school
